Sunday, August 24, 2014


His name is David Pollina.  He was born David Anthony Pollino on September 29th, 1966 in Oceanside, New York.  Nowadays, you can find him online under several different pseudonyms.  On Facebook, he is Webkoor CEO.  On the plethera of dating and hookup sites he frequents, he is marco_polo_malta.  On ooVoo, you'll find him once as Webkoor CEO, and once as Pointsys CEO.  He calls himself a Rav. Pollina, but he's never been ordained as a rabbi.  Here, in Malta, he boldly refers to himself as Dr. David Pollina, altho he isn't a doctor of medicine, science or law.  He's not a doctor of any kind.  In fact, he's never even graduated college.  He has no university degrees of any kind.   He is a nobody who wishes he were a somebody.  He pretends it to be true.

I was married to him for nearly 22 years, and spent so much of that time making excuses for his arrogance, ignorance and deceit.  But certainly no longer.

It's funny what people will admit to you after the shit has hit the fan, so to speak.  After I left him, there was a parade of friends and business associates who came to tell me things like, "I never liked him.", and "The only reason we agreed to work together was because of you, not him."  It really is a shame that these people never had the courage to say what they really felt when it could have mattered.  Just like it is the greatest shame, all those people who knew, or strongly suspected that he was cheating on me never spoke up.  Both of these senarios could have saved me time,  risk to my own health, and of course, money.  I lost most of my inheritance because of him.  Invested in a bed and breakfast start up with him.  7000 euros lost.  Now I have no money and spend each day on the edge.  Struggling to pay the rent.  To eat.

It's not a joke - not funny at all, to have spent what would have been my 22nd wedding anniversary with nothing but a can of garbanzo beans and some water chestnuts.  Especially when he and TDR are often seen dining and drinking out.  In fact, just the previous night.  This pig, this piece of human garbage thinks, now that he has virtually kidnapped my son from me, that he can ignore the courts, refuse to pay me maintenance, and expects I should pay HIM for child support!  There are not words in the English language to describe the depth of my anger.  He has stolen my life from me.  He has stolen my inheritance from me.  He has stolen my very son from me.

I hate him.
I hate him.
I hate him.

So far, I have no justice.  The courts are slow, the system ill-effective.  My patience is gone.  I'm no longer comfortable even being with the people I once considered friends.  Every small thing irritates me.  I have no patience with anyone, actually.  I spend all my free time by myself.

I am abandoned and alone, and I wait for justice.  Justice, not revenge.  Justice, because I have been wronged.  I am in the right, but it is me who suffers.  It is me who now goes without.  Without meals, without a car.   Without an income, without family.  Without a safety, without love.  Without a home.  Where is the justice?

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